Tuesday, March 3, 2009

tukang game Kecelakaan Tukang Nggame seperti

Tukang game. All pages that link to "Tukang nggame") Did you mean: Tukang nogame? No article title matches .. Why? Because nggame is non standard word in Indonesian language. 
What about Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009? the free encyclopedia You searched for kampanye damai (all pages starting with "kampanye damai". All pages that link to "kampanye damai"). Did you mean: kampung damai - No article title matches. Why? because I prefer choosing English encyclopedia.

Honestly, someone who submits himself or herself campaigning even in Kampanye Damai Indonesia 2009, when he or she become a leader, he will be charged the entire community problems read more from tukang kampanye blog..
mean while you may see this new (baca:ngawur) dictionary:

Kampanye: ad racing on road with full of strange men and women pictures, because most of us don't know who they are. We never know what kind of charity or crime they already did. They told program and plan properly, without a clear explanation how to implement. In many traditional villages democratic political system, to the political campaign mean "Muwur". And in the competition between tukang kampanye is not healthy for election campaign in Indonesia. So we may drag opinion that Kampanye is not good for health. This is not concern about Kampanye damai pemilu Indonesia 2009 SEO contest that held by Pogung177.

Damai: The Peace, or widely known as money, most people now says peace means to pay. Tariff rates peaceful means compulsory, Damai with police officer mean to pay bribe to the OKNUM police.

Indonesia : A name of country that many people have been used as cleptocrasy, while cleptocrasy own meaning you can not see here. I am to lazy to explain .. he he :), OK I'll give a hint: clepto equal to thievery. From this point onwards because of high crime rate (corruption included) I believe you'll understand the reason behind the people entitled giving such ridiculous name for us. :(

2009 : A minute ago, means the memories, a minute later means that the future expectations. a minute now is time living. So, what about 2009?

Compilation of Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009 means:
Bribing Money in Cleptocrasy Country, When?
di Tunggu Amplopnya tuh!

Tukang : A specialist, in Central Java Indonesia, Tukang kayu mean 35.000 rupiahs a day, tukang helper mean: 20.000 - 25.000 rupiahs rate per day. Tukang is skilled while non tukang is not.

Nggame : I was born in Cindaga, the land of a lot of local Criminals, Prostitution, Gambling, Thieves, and so on. Game in Cindaga mean "main" or playing cards like poker in English. How could I miss the "main"?

So, there is only two words for Tukang Nggame: Koah Specialist
hue he he he he... just kidding bro.. kinda joke!

Democrazy: political system that everyone may vote, not concern whether the voter is stupid or clever, good or bad, righteous or evil, scholar or bandit. Everyone has same right. It is no matter if good men is always less quantity against bad. And according my humble theory, it won't success because common people still don't know which is good for themselves. They prefer to choose whatever they like, and not choose what they need. That is democrazy As Tukang Game!

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